Tuesday, May 29, 2007

**Diet Coke**

I am a DC addict and was well aware that while traveling overseas, many of the things I love would not be available. However, upon arriving in Dubai and seeing that EVERYTHING is pretty much available, I have a problem. Coke Light is what is provided in the UAE. It is not Diet Coke. I heart Diet Coke for its taste and have no problem living without it for awhile. However, packaging Coke Zero and trying to pass it off as DC is crazy. I have been doing some research on the whole situation and there are many theories (most of which are boring- here are the interesting ones):

1) Local water supply impacts the taste. (Yuck. I hope that is not true because this country has more money than they know what to do with so I consider that to be just plain laziness)

2) All soda tastes different overseas. (Whatever. I am so tired of the argument that while we want all the things America has, we are still unique so it will be our version. Get a copy of The Lexus and the Olive Tree and cry me a river! I refuse to compromise my DC in the name of globalization!)

3) Coke Cola intended for all the Coke products to taste the same however, whatever ingredient that is needed to achieve this with DC is illegal in the US. (This sounds lame. Plus, they have American football overseas- can't they also have American DC?

In conclusion, I am sure I will survive this but I am here to make sure all those strange and random questions you are too embarrassed to ask get answered!!