I have been research and here is some advice I have stumbled upon!!
"Traffic accidents are a leading cause of death in the UAE because drivers often drive at high speeds. Unsafe driving practices are common, especially on inter-city highways. On highways, unmarked speed bumps and drifting sand create additional hazards." (Consular Information Sheet for UAE)
"Passers-by are in general very willing to assist in road accidents but can be very unprofessional in medical emergencies requiring first-aid treatment. Mobile phones are widely used throughout the UAE, so passers-by usually request emergency police and medical services quickly. Response time by emergency services is adequate. However, medical personnel emphasize transport of the injured to the hospital rather than treatment on site. Traffic accidents are a leading cause of death in the UAE. Unsafe driving practices are common, especially on inter-city highways. On highways, wandering camels, unmarked speed bumps and drifting sand create additional hazards." City Guide for Dubai

This was the only reference to driving laws I came across:
"Country-wide traffic laws impose stringent penalties for certain violations, particularly driving under the influence of alcohol. Penalties may include hefty jail sentences and fines, and, for Muslims, lashings. No children under the age of 12 allowed in the front seat."