The microwave has a knob to set the cook time. I set it for one minute and hit start. 1:19 starts on the counter. WHAT? There is no reason for this and none of the instruction packets help with it.
The washing machine/ dryer are all-in-one! It is a French design and totally does not work. I am not actually sure if I am using the correct settings but honestly, I could care less since I refuse to iron things. It will be wrinkled once I wear it for an hour anyway. Luckily, you can send your laundry out for overnight service very cheaply here so that is always an alternative to washing 2 articles at a time!!

The dishwasher seems to have the same type of picture instructions as all the other appliance (read: completely worthless) What does this mean anyway? Hot water for pots only? Dishes only below? Whatever. I turn it until it starts and it seems to clean the dishes just fine!!
My favorite thing is this electric kettle. Maybe I am behind the "appliance" times but this thing is great. All the Brits seem to know what these are so I assume that the US is the only place where these are not common. (I just googled this and found that there are lots of places one can buy "European Styled Kettles" and I am just living in my bubble)