Tuesday, July 31, 2007
The Site- Reloaded
I walk around with these important people and get my usually work out. For those of you who do not know me, I am a big gal, who smokes and hates vegetables, working out, and hypocrites. The last item was just for your information and has little to do with this story. My manager was convinced that I was overreacting to the situation by only referring to site as "The Gauntlet" (I can also be a drama queen). However, he was proven wrong when we went to site today. Every laborer stopped working to stare at me as I walked by. Not staring like we do in the states when we are picking a bar fight but staring like the other people in that dream you have when you show up at school naked.
I am now thinking that it is actually the fact that I turn this fun shade of purple when I am hot and exercising in 122 degree weather. I think they know to stare at pretty.... which is exactly what I am walking around site. Nice post script though: I swear I lose 5 lbs. every time I do a site walk so if this picks up, I will never have to go to the gym ever again!!
Friday, July 27, 2007
The First Trip to Site
Instantly, I stick out. My male colleagues notice. While there are women that work in the offices on site, there is rarely a woman rocking the steel toed and heeled boots, safety vest, and hard hat who is 6 ft. tall and white with blond hair. There are thousands upon thousands of laborers working on this construction site; mostly from Pakistan and India. I met a bunch of them yesterday as I made quite the disruption walking around on site.
My colleagues quickly realize how wonderful this is. We can walk in the road (not on the pedestrian area- which is longer) and they stop traffic for me. I got to cut to the front of the lines for area permits. Crowds of men who have been living in labor camps for years stare and whistle. I have decided that I will not be able to go to site alone. Ever. I am used to people staring but this is the most unbelievable thing I have ever experienced!!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
How do you say?
(If you have a queasy stomach or do not like gross things- please stop reading now)
The other day, my office mate groaned. I asked him if he was OK and he replied (like most of my friends, who are completely open about all bodily functions), "No, I don't feel good. I need to go to the bathroom."
The conversation could have stopped there. It really didn't need to have gone that far already.
He stands up and yells:
"Katie-Kate, How do you say? Huh? Wait.... I am going to blow it up!! The bathroom... get it?"
I do. I can't believe how funny this is. My reply has to be:
"Dude, first, I don't need to know you like that. Second, Americans get nervous when Arabs yell 'I am going to blow it up!!' so let's not do that again."
He still finds this to be the funniest thing ever! I am a fly strip for inappropriate!
*Car Show!*
The traffic circles are EVERYWHERE and usually 3-4 lanes wide. Even in the simple 2 lane circle, anyone can exit from any lane. This can cause some problems when others are trying to merge into traffic and both lanes can either exit or continue round! It is like getting into double dutch jumping! In some cases, they have just given up and put in traffic lights on the circles. This completely defeats the purpose but who am I to judge.
The only thing that outnumbers circles are speed humps. Humps- not bumps. These will bottom out a small SUV. It is also common to see some poor guy stuck with a Lamborghini that will not even come close to clearing it. The hilarious part about people here is that the gas is so cheap, they don't care. They will speed up to 60 mph and then slam on their breaks for the hump. Pointless.
I will not even get into safety issues now. I could write a book on how crazy people are when left to their own judgment!!
The very cool aspect about the location has already been mentioned. It is a car show here every day. Leaving work, we spotted this custom job on the back of a flat bed (most likely because if the humps):

Everyday is like "Gone in 60 Seconds" and if you are feeling brave, see what that does to people on YouTube by searching "crazy arabs" Hours of entertainment!!
*StormCenter- Day 3*

In this particular case, the urban sprawl and the location of Dubai has created another ecosystem- trapping moisture and humidity off the gulf and sand from the desert. Over the past 2 decades, they have started to get clouds year round here. Anyway- back to the weather at hand.... This is what my first sandstorm has looked like since Sunday:
Monday, July 23, 2007
*Diet Coke Madness!*
So, I received some amusing emails regarding my earlier Diet Coke posting. The first, and by far the funniest, was from my most favorite man in Bucksport, Maine.
He says, "The diet coke thing is simple. The rest of the world had coke lite (and it is disgusting everyplace) only to make America look so good. All the rest of the world buys it, but you can always get a smile when you see an American have their first taste of the crap. The expression could be used by movie directors to teach actors the look of losing their best friend. It is even intensified if the traveling American has gone a few weeks without diet coke."
This is the best description EVER! I laughed out loud and that rarely happens from an email!
The close second was more practical from one of may bad ass girlfriends, who has recently returned from a tour in Iraq and knows my pain firsthand:
She says, "I can totally relate about Middle East diet coke. My solution was switching to Diet Pepsi which is a LOT better. The stuff we had has Turkish on it and it said "Harika Tat." We all actually started calling it "Harika tat." Take the pepsi challenge and report back to me."
Now, I took the Pepsi challenge and it has spawned another new dilemma (that's about par for most things in my life)

I am assuming that I do not have this recessive gene since I have been drinking diet soda here for awhile. Did I miss something? Is this on labels at home? On a post script, the Pepsi is much better but still drastically different from the US. I am just going to have to get over it as it is one of the few things that isn't nice over here
Semi Charmed Life
On Friday, I went to the mall to buy some camping gear (Don't ask) and called for a taxi. A Mercedes shows up and takes me to the mall. Sadly, this is when I realized that my life is not normal. It is fake because there is no way I could afford my lifestyle in a first world country but abnormal for the moment. Last night, I went to get my nails done and again, rode to my mundane errand in a spiffy Lexus!! I am trying to avoid getting used to this as "service" in the US has a completely different meaning.
On a less self-involved note, on Saturday, I became the neighbor of the World's Tallest Building, Burj Dubai. As they completely the 141st floor on Saturday, the "Burj" surpassed Taiwan's 508m (1,667ft) Taipei 101 Building. They will not say how tall they are making the Burj because there is some industry competition or whatever weird thing architects do to compete with each other. So, if I hear anything, I will be sure you all are the first to know.
Monday, July 16, 2007
There is no excuse
1) I am lazy. I never finish anything. Right now, I have started 8 entries and not one has been completed!! (Such a slacker!)
2) Since I have committed some horrible act in a past life, karma continues to punish me. This new job has fallen victim to my normal employment curse!! I have arrived, started work, and then my boss quits. There is shuffling that usually ends up with me doing all the work for the low, low price of my current salary. The latter part of that will not happen this time- I will quit first.
3) I have my first desert cold... and it sucks a whole bunch. They do not sell NyQuil here because of the alcohol content so self-medicating is not really helping. I can buy absinthe at the liquor store but no cold medicine without a license!! This is most likely not helping my attitude about #2. Then again, I am not really a team player. I only play one for 8 hours a day!!
So, thank you all for the hate mail. I am getting peer pressured into keeping up with the diary however, sadly, my life is about to get very boring with the increased responsibility. Maybe I will just change my blog into "How not to build an Airport when money is not an object"
More to come. Soon. I swear.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
*Office Pranks*

PS) We completely blamed his kid sister for the idea. Literally.

*Arabic Ranch Dressing*
Quick SAT question....Yogurt Is to Arabs as Ranch is to Who? That's right. I feel like that Mike kid on the 4th season of the Real World (if you are too young to remember this, that was the first London season). Why has no one ever heard of Ranch dressing? They sell it here but no one seems to use it. I am quickly getting used to the fact that yogurt is on everything. It is really their answer to ranch dressing in the US. It comes on all my salads and is the only reason I can eat any of the Indian food here. They have a range from the cottage cheese type to a watery type with onions in it. It is slowly becoming one of my food groups against my will!
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Oral Fixation Mints

Then I visited the website and found out that they are designer mints. Who would have thought that I had such great taste. I am sure there is something in these that will eventually kill me. Look at how menacing they are! NO!! FIX!!
They are made in Hopewell, NJ at a place called The Chocolate Factory so really, this post has nothing to do with Dubai at all!!
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
*Independence Day*
So, I wish you all well before you head off to cookouts and fireworks! Thank you for your messages reminding me where I am from and why I should joyous! Trust me, I have never appreciated my country more than now; we are very, very lucky people!
Happy 4th!
Monday, July 2, 2007
*Breath Strips*
Here is the end result of breath strips that live in Dubai:

*Maine Pride*