Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Site- Reloaded

Despite my absolute refusal to ever go to site again, my exiting manager decided that I needed to go on a Site Walk to inspect a series of mock ups. I am working to build the next concourse of the airport; specifically the displays that tells you the flight information and the speaker system that annoys you while you try to make last minute phone calls. Right now, there is minimal air conditioning and temporary power so inside the site is only slightly more bearable than outside.

I walk around with these important people and get my usually work out. For those of you who do not know me, I am a big gal, who smokes and hates vegetables, working out, and hypocrites. The last item was just for your information and has little to do with this story. My manager was convinced that I was overreacting to the situation by only referring to site as "The Gauntlet" (I can also be a drama queen). However, he was proven wrong when we went to site today. Every laborer stopped working to stare at me as I walked by. Not staring like we do in the states when we are picking a bar fight but staring like the other people in that dream you have when you show up at school naked.

I am now thinking that it is actually the fact that I turn this fun shade of purple when I am hot and exercising in 122 degree weather. I think they know to stare at pretty.... which is exactly what I am walking around site. Nice post script though: I swear I lose 5 lbs. every time I do a site walk so if this picks up, I will never have to go to the gym ever again!!

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